Annual General Meeting 13th March 2017

Annual General Meeting 13th March 2017

Highfields Mens Shed Inc.

Annual General Meeting 13th March 2017


Meeting Opened            10am with a welcome by The President, Richard Creagh

Present                                               attached

Apologies                           attached

Resolved Apologies be accepted and leave granted

Minutes of AGM 14/3/2016 – already posted and read by the Secretary

Moved Rob Mitchell      Seconded Terry Ledbury

“That the minutes of the AGM held on 14/3/2016 be signed and filed as a true and accurate record”                   Carried

Business arising from the minutes – nil

Treasurers Report – Attached

Question from Jim Watson on the weekly cost of keeping the Shed open

The Treasurer did some quick calculations and stated it cost $100+ per week to keep the Shed open and operational. The Assistant Treasurer stated he collected about $40 per Shed day from Member contributions which left a weekly deficit of about $20 – 30.

Moved Peter Wilson     Seconded Graham Milson

“That the Treasurers report be signed and filed as a true and accurate record of the Sheds annual financial position”            Carried

Presidents Report          attached

Moved Richard Creagh                 Seconded Eddie Johnson

“That the Presidents Report be received and adopted”

The President was thanked by acclamation

The President declared all Management Committee positions vacant and vacated the Chair

Terry Ledbury took the Chair and called for nominations for the position of President

President                           Richard Creagh Nom. Tim Lincoln            Sec. Ross Routley

No further nominations – Richard elected unopposed

Richard Creagh as elected President resumed the Chair

Vice President                  Les Wildman     Nom. Tim Buckley           Sec. Rob Mitchell

No further nominations – Les elected unopposed

Secretary                            Rob Mitchell      Nom. Eddie Johnson     Sec. Peter Wilson

No further nominations – Rob elected unopposed

Treasurer                           Peter Wilson     Nom. Rob Mitchell         Sec. Eddie Johnson

No further nominations – Peter elected unopposed

Assistant Secretary        No nominations To be appointed

Assistant Treasurer        Jim O’Brien        Nom. Rob Mitchell         Sec. Peter Wilson

No further nominations – Jim elected unopposed

Shed Co-Ordinator         Eddie Johnson  Nom. Rob Mitchell         Sec. Les Wildman

No further nominations – Eddie elected unopposed

Assist Shed Co-Ordinator Tim Buckley   Nom. Rob Mitchell         Sec. Eddie Johnson

No further nominations – Tim elected unopposed

Welfare Officer                Noel Wilcox       Nom. Rob Mitchell         Sec. Terry Ledbury

(subject to Noels acceptance)

Committee x 2                Mike Robinson nominated but declined

Paul Hartas        Nom. Eddie Johnson     Sec. Mike Robinson

Terry Ledbury   Nom. Mike Robinson    Sec. Gordon Robinson

No further nominations Paul and Terry elected unopposed

Auditor                                Contador P/L    Nom. Peter Wilson         Sec. Terry Ledbury

No further nominations – Contador P/L appointed

General Business            Notice of Motion – displayed on notice board prior to meeting

Moved Peter Wilson     Seconded Eddie Johnson

“That The Highfields Mens Shed Inc. attendance fee be increased from $35 to $40 commencing 1st January 2018”                               Carried following some discussion

Meeting Closed              10.40am

Next AGM                         12th March 2018

July 15, 2021
New business partners and sisters Melanie Coultas and Michelle Garside were delighted to collect 20 custom-made table art easels from the Highfields Men’s shed this week. The easels are adjustable and are placed on tables, enabling participants of all ages to actively engage in art activities, particularly those with restricted physical movement. Melanie and Michelle recently launched ‘Joyful Arts, Music and Mindfulness’ with the aim to offer arts, crafts, music, performance and mindfulness activities across the Darling Downs and South-West Queensland. They decided to contact the Men’s shed to see whether they could make the easels locally. Secretary of the Highfields Men’s Shed David Prout explained that the men enjoyed working on a different challenge. “We were sent a couple of photos of what Michelle and Melanie were looking for, so we drafted several designs and did some testing before settling on the final look,” he said. “We were able to re-use materials that we already had in the workshop, which is always satisfying.” Managing Director of Joyful, Melanie Coultas said that the Men’s Shed commitment to repurposing used wood products wherever possible, aligns with their business values of recycling and sustainability. “We are keen to work with local service clubs as much as we can, particularly those that use eco-friendly and recycling methods,” Ms. Coultas said. “We are planning to offer our services right across South West Queensland to bring a bit of joy into people’s lives no matter their abilities, particularly those in more rural areas who don’t have easy access to the creative arts.” The Men’s Shed has been actively making and repairing items for community use over the past decade. “So far this year we have constructed a variety of items including myna bird traps, bee hotels and bird houses, as well as repairs to furniture,” Mr Prout said. “We have over 50 men that attend over the course of a month, so it’s great that we are able to provide varied and interesting items to work on.” For more information, contact Melanie Coultas on 0424 766865
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